Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Quiz Postponed until THURSDAY!

This will be a medium-sized quiz--not tiny, not huge. Attached is a chart to be used as a review guide. Please note that you should study all of your own notes from watching Ken Burns' "The Civil War" and also study this chart. You should know everything on the chart in bold for certain, and you should know some other details as well. There will be a set of questions that you must answer, and then there will be a set of questions in which you have a choice of which ones you answer.

Good luck! Studying will make all the difference!
If you are a visual learner--read and re-read the notes; rewrite the notes; make index cards
If you are a kinesthetic learner--walk around the room while repeating information aloud, or reading it in your notebook. Drum out a beat with a pencil while saying the information out loud. Play catch with someone while they quiz you on the notes.
If you are a verbal/aural learner--read notes aloud; have someone read them aloud to you; have someone quiz you verbally.
Best of luck!

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